喜歡到處趴趴走的朋友一定對GPS(Global Positioning System)不陌生,GPS被稱為男人們的玩具,在台灣這個消費型電子蓬勃的市場﹝當然也是因為OEM/ODM基地就在此﹞,GPS是個百家爭鳴的局面,GoNav、MiTAC(Mio)、鼎天、環天、長天就不用說了,就連華碩、宏達電也都將GPS功能整合進PDA或是手機裡,相較之下反而在全球市場佔有率較高的TomTom及Garmin在台灣沒有太多的發展空間。
寫了半天還沒寫到我想要說的重點,就是Garmin出新機啦,看起來相當不錯喔,跟Apple iPhone、HTC Diamond有拼,一樣都是用觸控螢幕,看起來很直覺式的操作,先睹為快吧。
PS:這支3.5G手機有配備GPS,也有WiFi等功能,在功能上看起來不會比HTC Diamond遜色。最重要的是GPS功能有內建百萬筆的POI (Point of interests),這一點是比其他廠商強很多的。看看這支頂級機種,可不可以協助Garmin股價反轉向上。
圖片來源:finance yahoo
時間 | 成交價 | 買進 | 賣出 | 漲跌 | 成交量 | 昨收 | 開盤 | ||
04:00am | 47.50 | 40.00 | 0.00 | -0.23 | 2,447,368 | 47.73 | 47.55 | ||
最高 | 最低 | 一年內最高及最低 | 本益比 | 每股營利 | 總市值 | ||||
47.79 | 45.80 | 39.75 - 125.68 | 12.11 | 3.92 | 10.244B |
GPS龍頭 Garmin搶攻智慧手機
全球衛星定位系統(GPS)龍頭國際航電(Garmin)決定大舉進軍手機市場,首款智慧型手機Nuvifone預計6月中發表,下半年與電信大廠AT&T攜手在美國推出,將和蘋果、宏達電、諾基亞等手機大廠交鋒。 將與AT&T攜手在美推出 千呼萬喚,Garmin確定加入智慧型手機戰局,首款產品預計在下月17日登場的新加坡電信展中亮相。由於Garmin是全球最大衛星導航專業製造商,此次以全球第一支號稱從GPS思考角度出發的智慧型手機跨足手機領域,蘋果iPhone、宏達電鑽石機出現新的勁敵。 有別於傳統可攜式導航裝置(PND)走資訊賣場通路,Nuvifone將與各地區電信營運商合作。據了解,Garmin目前已敲定美國會與AT&T攜手,在亞洲、歐洲等市場正和當地電信公司洽談合作中,預計下半年推出。 據透露,Nuvifone是由前宏達電團隊與Garmin美國研發人員共同合作,耗時兩年完成,採用易利信EMP的3.5G晶片解決方案,並且捨棄微軟Windows Mobile及Symbian兩大智慧型手機軟體平台,採用自行研發系統。 有別於諾基亞、宏達電、華碩等只是把手機加入GPS導航功能,Nuvifone在使用者介面設計上,完全從GPS角度出發,像是點選電話薄中的聯絡人,手機就會立刻秀出到達該聯絡人位置的交通路線。 由於蘋果去年推出第一代iPhone時,在美國就是與AT&T獨家合作;最近宏達電新推出鑽石機,在美國也是找上AT&T;此次Garmin再與AT&T聯手,將與目前最夯的兩大智慧型手機正面交鋒。 使用介面從GPS角度出發 Garmin受美國次貸風暴、純PND跌價迅速、手機廠大軍壓境等多重利空夾擊影響,Garmin執行長Kevin Rauckman日前發布預警,表示原預估今年營收成長42%的目標將面臨挑戰。Garmin最新股價收47.73美元,相較去年高點的125美元,只剩下四成不到。 Garmin首季營收6.638億美元,年增35%;季淨利1.478億美元,僅比去年同期獲利1.399億美元小幅成長增加5.7%,獲利年增率創下近三年最低,相當於每股67美分。惟隨Nuvifone下半年加入出貨行列,可望為Garmin未來幾年營運成長注入一劑強心針。
Garmin® nüvifone™ Takes Personal Navigation and Communication to the Next Level
New York/January 30, 2008/PR Newswire — Garmin International Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (Nasdaq: GRMN) and the world’s leading GPS manufacturer, today announced its entrance into the mobile phone market with the nüvifone, an all-in-one, sleek and slim, touchscreen device that combines a premium phone, mobile web-browser, and cutting-edge personal navigator. The nüvifone is a work of art in features, design and functionality and is destined to transform how individuals connect, communicate and navigate their life.
“The nüvifone is an all-in-one device offering unmatched integration of utility and function in a single mobile device,” said Cliff Pemble, Garmin’s president and COO. “This is the breakthrough product that cell phone and GPS users around the world have been longing for — a single device that does it all.”
The nüvifone is an innovative mobile phone that has a wide range of advanced yet easy-to-use features. The all touchscreen device is the first of its kind to integrate premium 3.5G mobile phone capability with an internet browser, data connectivity, personal messaging, and personal navigation functions in one device. When powered on, the 3.5-inch touchscreen display reveals three primary icons — “Call,” “Search,” and “View Map” which allow the user to effortlessly master the nüvifone’s functions.
The nüvifone is the ultimate multi-tasker. Calls are easily initiated by tapping the “Call” button and selecting a name from the contact list or by using the on-screen keypad. When the user is trying to juggle talking on their phone while entering their vehicle to start a trip, the nüvifone makes the transition simple. When the nüvifone is docked onto the vehicle mount, it automatically turns on the GPS, activates the navigation menu, and enables hands-free calling so that the user never misses a beat in the conversation and is able to begin routing to their destination with ease.
Customers familiar with Garmin’s industry leading nüvi® product line will feel right at home using the nüvifone’s personal navigation features. It includes preloaded maps of North America, Eastern and Western Europe, or both, and allows drivers to quickly find a specific street address, establishment’s name or search for a destination by category using the nüvifone’s built-in database with millions of points of interest. Turn-by-turn, voice-prompted directions guide the user to their destination. If they miss a turn along the route, nüvifone automatically recalculates a route and gets them back on track, speaking the names of the streets along the way.
The nüvifone is Garmin’s first device to include Google local search capability, which harnesses the vast point of interest information available from the world wide web. Nüvifone users can search for locations like “coffee shops” and Google will sort the results based on the user’s current location and relevance. Information provided by Google includes a web-based rating so that users can select the most appropriate destination and route directly to it. In addition, the nüvifone includes a web browser incorporating premium features and touchscreen operation for an optimum mobile browsing experience. The nüvifone also includes personal messaging functions, including email, text, and instant messaging.
For the ultimate in safety, the “Where am I?” feature lets users touch the screen at any time to display the exact latitude and longitude coordinates, the nearest address and intersection, and the closest hospitals, police stations and gas stations. The nüvifone also helps drivers find their car in an unfamiliar spot or crowded parking lot by automatically marking the position in which it was last removed from the vehicle mount.
In addition to navigation, the nüvifone includes access to Garmin Online™, an online service offering constantly-updating information such as real-time traffic, fuel prices, stock prices, sport scores, news reports, local events and weather forecasts.
The nüvifone also includes numerous mobile entertainment applications. The built-in camera allows individuals to take a picture that will automatically be tagged with the exact latitude and longitude reference of where the image was taken. The user may then save the image so they can navigate back to the location, or email the image to a recipient who can navigate directly to the location. The nüvifone also provides direct access to millions of geo-located landmark and sightseeing photographs available through Google’s Panoramio picture sharing site. The Panoramio photo search feature enhances the enjoyment and adventure of sightseeing in an otherwise unfamiliar location. Other multimedia functions of the nüvifone include a built-in video camera, MP3 and MPEG4/AAC.
Garmin anticipates that the nüvifone will be available in the third quarter of 2008. Specific details about pricing and sales partners will be announced in the future. Additional information about nüvifone is available at www.garmin.com/nuvifone.